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  • Replica Adidas sneakers
  • Replica Adidas sneakers
  • Replica Adidas sneakers
  • Replica Adidas sneakers
  • Replica Adidas sneakers
  • Replica Adidas sneakers
  • Replica Adidas sneakers
  • Replica Adidas sneakers
  • Replica Adidas sneakers
  • Replica Adidas sneakers

Replica Adidas sneakers

  • Detail
    Products Details: 
    1. Material:  Microfiber leather
    2. Shoes size: Euro size 36-44    
    3. Packing: the bags come with boxes and dustbags
    4. Applicable scenarios: working, shopping, traveling etc
    5. Shipping methods:  USPS or China post
    6. Delivery: packages will be shipped out within 4 workdays after payment ready. 
    The logistics company need around 18 days to ship packages to  you; 
    If you need fast shipping, FEDEX, UPS, DHL etc, please contact with us.  
    7. Warranty: please be ready to take video before opening the package. 
    Once find something wrong, please contact us within 7 workdays after package delivered. 
    8. Item NO.: PDD103005515  
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